Friday, 1 February 2013

Learning to let go

Letting go of the pearl from the sea is more beautiful than owning it.

Sometimes after doing all we can to maintain a relationship without success or after knowing that you need to separate with your soulmate in order to let each other to learn lessons, it's time to let go. Letting go does not mean we stop caring. Letting go simply mean that you let your soulmate to choose what they want and to choose to learn lessons on their own terms without them following your own rules or your own schedule.

Like the time we encounter the pearl from the sea, we know that the pearl belongs to the sea. It's the pearl's nature to live in the sea. If we take it away from the sea and try to own it, it will not survive. It's not good for the pearl. So we put it back to the sea and let it shine. It does not mean we dont love it anymore. It simply means that we do what is best for the pearl. Loving someone is more or less the same thing. We know that our soulmate has his/her own lessons, we have to let them go/give them freedom to swim in the sea of people in order to learn lessons. We have to let them go in order to let them shine. If one day they choose to come back, it's a bonus. Letting go is one of the highest forms of love. To let go does not mean we are helpless in a situation so we are forced to let go. To let go means that we love unconditionally so we do what is best for our soulmate.

Yes, it's very difficult to let go because we are so used to being with our soulmate. It's because our soulmate shows us what it feels like to be in heaven. But do know that, dear, heaven is within yourself. It's just that our soulmate brings it out in us. We do not own our soulmate. We own happiness for happiness is within ourselves. Letting go is difficult especially when our soulmate leave us without any explanations as to why they have to leave. Our mind just keeps thinking of the 'WHY'. Have I done something wrong? Well, yes or no. Sometimes your soulmate's issues are highlighted by the encounter of you and they cannot handle it, so they have to take a break and learn the lessons. Whether they will come back or not, part of it lies in their hand and part of it lies in the hand of fate. If it's fated, then sure they will come back but whether you two decide to be together or not. It's entirely up to you two. Lady Fate does not force two people to be together. She simply wants you to overcome your issues by bring two people together for a period of time. Of course rewards might come later if you put efforts to work on your issues.

Before we work on our issues, we have to let go and then stop asking the 'WHY'. If you keep asking the 'WHY', it will only stop you from working on your issues. After working on your issues, the 'WHY' is not important anymore. Instead, you will feel grateful that you have met your soulmate and that the meeting in itself is more beautiful than the union. You know that no matter where you are, whether you are with him or not, you love him/her dearly. Loving someone is simple. It does not require the other person to be with you to feel the love. Love is in the universe. To love without owning is the essence of life.

What you have with your soulmate is as precious as the pearl from the sea. Let go of the pearl and let it shine in the sea for pearl belongs to the sea. Let go of your love with your soulmate and send this love to the universe, for the universe needs the unconditional love between you and your soulmate.

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